The core values of Black America Cares are the values we hold that form the foundation of how we perform work and conduct ourselves. They are the core values we will abide by and are constant. These are not descriptions of the work we do or the strategies we use to accomplish our mission. Our values are the substance of our work, how we interact with our clients and each other, and the strategies we use to fulfill our mission. These core values are the basic elements of how we go about our work and the practices we use (or should be using) every day in everything we do.

We are a strength-based organization. We support and empower our clients to find creative ways to help toward resolving their own problems. We are committed to developing the confidence of every client's individual talents and capabilities. When people are empowered, they become change agents in their personal lives and in their communities.

We are trustworthy, reliable, and loyal. We do what we say we will do. We welcome accountability and conduct our business with honesty and transparency. Our reputation is built upon fairness in everything we do.
We recognize that each individual has value and should have basic needs met. We will be nonjudgmental, compassionate and accepting as we deal with each unique situation. We believe that each person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. We will treat all people as we would want to be treated.
We are committed to pursuing the highest possible standards at every level of the organization. We strive to become the benchmark through innovation and initiative. We are committed to putting forth our personal and professional best.
We believe that success is heightened when one or more individuals, organizations or agencies participate and work on common goals.
Good Stewardship
We commit to using wisely the public and private resources that we receive and we expect to be held accountable for their proper use. We commit to using the gifts and talents of our staff and volunteers to the fullest in order to accomplish our mission.
We embrace the responsibility to advocate on behalf of those struggling with limited financial resources. We commit ourselves to seeing that our clients’ right to a decent standard of living are supported in the public and private sectors.
Shared Partnership
We will do everything possible to assist our clients and to secure their commitments to assume their responsibility. We will make plans together to resolve their unique situations.
We’re obsessed with making a difference and creating positive change. Having an impact is the reason we exist. Our objective is to ensure that every client that connects with BAC will see a measurable change in their lives as a result of participating in our programs and services.